Privacy Risk from the world of AI & Algorithms

Deepanshu Mehta
4 min readOct 23, 2019



We are living in the era of the Internet and where we are surrounded by Electronic Devices and connecting to billions of people through digital platforms, today, we are transacting with each other at every moment. Exponential technological growth helps to bring people together, producing vast amounts of data for each transaction. Data accumulation and access are what constitutes the power to control the market.

Near about all our products are equipped with these two Superpowers, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Because we Engineers believe that most of the electronics devices can do their job to make our life easier but what if these electronics devices start knowing us and start to act differently as per our mood?? well this is the future, isn’t it??

But before we talk real fear of Artificial Intelligence. let’s find out what the Hek is AI?

In layman language, Artificial Intelligence is an ability developed by/given to Machines (server, mobile phone, etc) to change their response according to the current scenario.


According to Experts: “Every day, YouTube recommends hundreds of millions of different videos on Home, billions of times, in 76 languages”. The video recommendations system from YouTube based on AI technology, which means it can find patterns automatically and keep learning and improving as it goes. Not only this but, YouTube knows when and where you like to watch specific content. So, it means they know your Work, places, schedule, habits, interests, and everything I mean every little detail about you.

What’s behind the AI craze — just a fad or the ‘Real deal’?

Technologies develop and evolve very quickly, and nothing illustrates this better than the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). Over the past few years, there’s been a lot of hype surrounding AI. In essence, AI represents a machine’s ability to ‘behave’ intelligently. With AI, complex tasks can be easily automated, which is why some are afraid this tech could soon make us obsolete. But the fear of automation isn’t stopping companies from pouring a lot of money into AI technology.

With AI, we can automate any process, Simplified Banking, Translate Voice into text even, thoughts into speech and Many more but, all these want your Private Data, that private data that you don’t want to share and want to keep it as secret.

Let me ask you question…. What you think that giants like Google, Facebook, or any other social networking platform or shopping sites need to work efficiently?? The Answer is YOU and Your privacy.

For example Google Assistant needs to know your voice, Facebook requires your face, Instagram requires your Location, and the list goes on….

Please enable

Recently, San Francisco bans “Facial Recognition Technology”, it is really a shocking news for the whole world that Why San Francisco, Hi-tech modern city of US prohibit its police force and government agencies from using a common and useful technology like facial-recognition?

Actually, the ban is part of a bill that restricts surveillance technologies. The measure also orders San Francisco agencies to describe any current or future facial recognition activities. The use of facial recognition technology by government agencies across the U.S. has continually increased over the 10 past years. The machine-learning(subpart of AI) methods that power technology has also greatly improved in recent years, but still it is not a full-proof Technology. People of San Francisco do not want that police will stalk anyone from their profiles, or sometime it may be seen that innocent people are targeted by police in security checks at Airports due to mismatch of the face.

The creepiest thing which China did is, in order to check the Population of various cities, China police AI-powered glasses which can tell them about a person’s past history like criminal record, background, ethnicity, etc.

china police using facial recognition glasses

The controversy is that Chinese people claim that their police is Racist and ethnic. Because if you do not belong to that area first Police will separate you out from the rest of the people using their glasses and then start inquiring about you and your aim to visit that place. They can arrest you if you are suspicious to them. All these activities cultivate the felling of 2nd class citizens to them.



Deepanshu Mehta
Deepanshu Mehta

Written by Deepanshu Mehta

I am Full Stack Developer Python/Django + Go/Gin + Javascript/ReactJS

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